0151 254 2658 / 16 Tapton Way, Wavertree Business Village, L13 1DA


The purpose of this project was to renovate the existing..


The purpose of this project was to renovate the existing James Parsons building. The refurbishment included the installation of automatic controls associated with the new role of the building. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) related subjects require a broad range of facilities and, as a result, the BEMS installed required a high level of diversity.
The technical application of the project is as follows:

  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) laboratory monitoring and HVAC controls;
  • Fume cupboard monitoring and laboratory FCU / VAV pressure controls;
  • Maritime simulation and classrooms VRF / HRU systems;
  • Offices VT heating zone controls;
  • Laboratory gas controls and monitoring;
  • Category 5 hot and boosted cold water services


A multiple condition failsafe system maintains the required conditions for the nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory, including the seamless changeover of systems in a number of scenarios.
The ventilation and temperature of the laboratory is critical to the equipment within and is maintained by an AHU utilising LPHW, electric heating and DX cooling. The AHU is controlled to maintain a set point tolerance of +/- 0.5oC with the detection of plant failure pre-empting the changeover of the heating/cooling source before the laboratory is affected.
Oxygen depletion within the laboratory is monitored, and emergency quench controls are initiated by the BEMS, incorporating a number of supply/extract fans and dampers.


With the installation being spread across several floors, our design has distributed the controls wherever possible. Each area controlled has a networked local Trend controller, this ensures all sensors, valves, outputs etc. are all wired locally reducing costs associated with diagnosing faults and carrying out routine maintenance.
The graphics are formatted to enable users with limited technical background to easily navigate the system without sacrificing the technical content required by engineers. Remote access has been provided for the graphics allowing facility staff to access anywhere on or off site via laptop or tablet. Accessing this way allows staff to locally adjust plant settings, diagnose problems and witness changes taking place.



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